Sunday 27 April 2008

Tank Tracks Animation

I've animated the tracks and worked a bit on the back of the tank. It looks okay, the animation works quite well. Its been rendered using mental ray, but the quality has been reduced to upload on here.

I've finished the lower half of the tank and uploaded some pics of it below. The next stage is to model the barrels on the back, and create the top part of the tank including the turret and add any lil bits of detail here and there. Hopefully it will be finished soon! Then I can start blowing stuff up. cool beans!
-The finished bottom with tank wheels and tracks.
Zoomed in to see detail of the wheels.

Thursday 17 April 2008

The Army - Tank Design

My army advert is going to focus around one thing. A Tank. So I thought I would show some progress I've been making with modelling my tank. It's 'loosely' based on the British tank Challenger II, but i've made up bits here and there. Next stage is finish the shell, then model the back and finally the turret and gun.
I've got the tank tracks and wheels to animate, the wheels spin round and the track moves. Unfortunately they aren't working together in Max (the wheels don't make the tracks move), but it looks like they do lol and that's good enough for me! I imagine getting the wheels and tracks to connect together and both move would be done in reactor (not even gonna try!).
Also have been playing around with different
rendering techniques, mental ray and light tracers etc. Not having much luck with mental ray because its a bit hard. Perhaps I will give up before I start.