Thursday 15 November 2007

Re-Design Cube and Animation

Before I begin I got bored and looked up the Rubix cube, and realised i've been making the common mistake of calling it a Rubix cube, when it's actually a Rubiks cube!! (it was originally called the "Magic Cube", how very interesting-ish).

Anyway, i've spent all afternoon working with the cube (can u believe putting a bunch of squares together can be so time consuming?!). I moved away from the blocky simple squares done in my original play around and I found that using the
chamfer box gives a much nicer shape with nice rounded edges.

For each side of the cube I'm using planes, and I've removed all the unnecessary ones to make it true to a real 3x3 rubiks cube. i.e. I only have 54 faces on the cube.


Also I have made a quick animation showing how the cube moves. Haven't figured out an effective way of moving all the rows and blocks yet. Max doesnt like it when I rotate and animate, hard to explain and slightly confused at this but hopefully I will figure it out :-/


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